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  • Pedigree: Named after the former Austrian city of Saaz (now }atec, in the Czech Republic). *Noble hop used extensively in Bohemia to flavor pale Czech lagers such as Pilsner Urquell. Saaz hops accounted for more than 2/3 of total 2009 hop production in the Czech Republic.
    * The term noble hops traditionally refers to four varieties of hop which are low in bitterness and high in aroma. They are the central European cultivars, Hallertau, Tettnanger, Spalt, and Saaz. They are each named for a specific region or city in which they were first grown or primarily grown. They contain high amounts of the hop oil humulene and low amounts of alpha acids cohumulone and adhumulone, as well as lower amounts of the harsher-tasting beta acids lupulone, colupulone, and adlupulone. Their low relative bitterness but strong aroma are often distinguishing characteristics of European-style lager beer, such as Pilsener, Dunkel, and Oktoberfest/Märzen. In beer, they are considered aroma hops - Pilsner Urquell is a classic example of the Bohemian Pilsener style which showcases the Noble hop Saaz.
  • General Trade Perception: The classical "noble" aroma hop with long and strong traditions. Associated with the renowned Pilsner lager.
  • Possible substitutions: Tettnanger, Ultra, Crystal, Centennial, Amarillo.
  • Beer Styles: Lager, US Ales, Pilsner, Belgian Tripel & other Belgian styles.
  • Maturity: Early
  • Yield: 800 - 1,000 kg/ha
  • Growth Habit: Slow
  • Disease Reaction: Susceptible to downy and powdery mildew. Not tolerant to hop wilt. Shows increased productivity when freed of viruses.
  • Cone-Structure: Smallish, light cone.
  • Aroma: Cinnamon-spicy, earthy, herbal.
  • Lupulin: Not abundant, pale yellow color.

Alpha Acids 4 - 6.5% Beta Acids 4.6 - 6.0%
Alpha/Beta Ratio 0.6 - 0.9 Co-Humulone 23 - 26%
Humulone   Storage (% lost)  
Oil Content (mls/100g) 0.4 - 1.0% Humulene ( % in oil) 15 - 25%
Caryophyllene 6 - 9% Hum/Cary Ratio  
Farnesene 14 - 20% Myrcene 25 - 40%