Pedigree: 61021 x 21618M. Pedigree includes Swiss diploid Tettnanger clone (mother) and a tetraploid Hallertauer Mittelfrüh (grandmother). Named after the Santiam River in Oregon.
General Trade Perception: A recently developed American aroma hop released by USDA-ARS for commercial production in the spring of 1997. It has high yield potential and Noble hop characteristics.
- Possible substitutions: German Tettnanger, Spalt, Spalter Select.
- Beer Styles: Lager, US Ales, Pilsner, Belgian Tripel & other Belgian styles.
- Maturity: Medium
- Yield: Very good, lb./ac. (over a 4-year period)
- Growth Habit: Very good
- Disease Reaction: Resistant to downy mildew, tolerant to moderately susceptible to verticillium wilt. Free of all five major hop viruses at the time of its release (1997).
- Cone-Structure: Small to medium density.
- Aroma: Floral, slightly spicy.
- Lupulin: Moderate amount