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Universally recognized as a noble hop, Tettnanger is the landrace of Germany's Tettnang hop-growing region. Only Tettnanger hops grown in the Tettnang should be referred to as Tettnang Tettnanger. It is prized for its spicy, floral noble character, and is genetically very similar, if not identical, to the Saaz cultivar grown in the Czech Republic. Hops described as "Tettnanger" are also grown in the United States, Switzerland, and Australia, but these American Tettnanger, Swiss Tettnanger, and Australian Tettnanger hops are generally not the true Tettnanger cultivar, but are thought to be Fuggle or a descendant of Fuggle. [WIKI]

        Quality Averages:

  • Pedigree: Tettnanger is the landrace of Germany's Tettnang hop-growing region.
  • General Trade Perception: The classical "noble" aroma hop with long and strong traditions.
  • Possible Substitutions: Spalter, Spalter Select, Santiam, Saaz
  • Beer Styles: Lager, Wheat Beer
  • Maturity: Early season
  • Yield: 1,000 - 1,500 kg./ha. or 900 -1,340 lb./acre.
  • Growth Habit: Fair to good
  • Disease Reaction: Downy mildew: moderately resistant. Verticillium wilt: moderately resistant
  • Pickability: Easy to pick
  • Lupulin: Moderate amounts, mid-yellow
  • Cone Structure: Smallish, light cone.
  • Aroma: Mild to moderate, herbal, aromatic

Alpha Acids (%)
3.5 - 5.5
Beta Acids (%)
3.5 - 5.0
Alpha/Beta Ratio
1.2 : 1
Co-Humulone (% of a. a.)
23 - 29
Storage (% lost)
40 - 45
Oil Content (mls/100g)
0.6 - 1.0
Humulene ( % in oil)
20 - 25
Caryophyllene (% of oil)
6 - 10
Hum/Cary Ratio
Farnesene (% of oil)
12 - 16
Myrcene (%)
20 - 25