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  • Pedigree: Brewers Gold was first developed from a breeding programme in 1917 by Professor Salmon in England. His aim was to combine the high resin content of American hops with European style aroma. Brewers Gold is an open pollinated seedling of a wild Manitoba hop plant and was first produced in 1919.
  • General Trade Perception: A well-tried and tested bitter hop. Brewers Gold has a high resin content and gives a well-balanced bitterness which is ideally complimented by a late aroma hop in Lager beers. When used in cask conditioned ales, can give some very interesting fruity and spicy characteristics
  • Possible Substitutions: Northdown, Galena, Bullion, Chinook, Cascade.
  • Beer Styles: ESB, Bitter, Stouts and Dark ales.
  • Maturity: Late season
  • Yield: 1800 - 2400 kg./ha. or 1600 - 2150 lb./ac.
  • Growth Habit: Vigorous.
  • Disease Reaction: Resistant to Downy Mildew, Peronospora & Verticillium Wilt.
  • Pickability: Good.
  • Lupulin: Yellow to dark yellow.
  • Cone Structure: Small and compact.
  • Aroma: Bittering hop with neutral aroma character.

Alpha Acids(%)
5.5 - 8.0
Beta Acids (%)
2.5 - 3.5
Alpha/Beta Ratio
Co-Humulone (%)
36 - 48
Storage (% lost)
20 -30
Oil Content (mls/100g)
1.8 - 2.4
Humulene ( % in oil)
29 - 31
7 - 7.5
Hum/Cary Ratio
Farnesene (% of oil)
Myrcene (%)
37 - 40