Hop Varieties

Hop plants are sold as bare-root rhizomes when dormant - usually between November and March. Later in the season rooted plants may be available in 1 litre deep pots. Plants/rhizomes are priced between £7.50 - £8.95 each plus postage. It is much cheaper to ship bare-rooted rhizomes than fully rooted plants and postage charges increase considerably later in the year. If you want plants shipped outside of the UK then it is far more economical to order rhizomes when they are available. Current shipping rates and carriers can be found here. Click on the links below to read details of the characteristics of individual hops and to check availability or go straight to the main index here.

Availability of Hop Plants

If you would like to know as soon as hop plants are available please add your name to the mailing list and we'll let you know as soon as each variety is ready.

Mailing list currently unavailable

» Introduction to hops and hop growing

» Visit the Hop Plant Library for books and     guides on cultivation and harvesting hops.

» Shipping charges - UK and Europe

Nov 2018
Bramling Cross - Good all-round English hop. Goldings replacement
Nov 2018
Bullion - Strong and zesty with blackcurrant characteristics
Nov 2018
Cascade - Distinct flavour, most widely used hop by USA Craft Breweries
Nov 2018
Centennial - High alpha aroma hop - sometimes called Super-Cascade
Nov 2018
Challenger - Excellent dual-purpose hop
Nov 2018
Chinook - High alpha, aromatic US variety
Nov 2018
Cobb - Typical English aroma hop, Kent Golding variety.
Nov 2018
Early Bird - Sought-after Golding variety, originally Amos's Early Bird
Nov 2018
Fuggle - Classic English aroma hop
Nov 2018
Galena - Excellent US high alpha hop for balanced bittering and aroma
Nov 2018
Glacier - US dual purpose hop. Herbal, aroma with citrus and fruit
Nov 2018
Hallertau - Classic Noble hop from Germany
Nov 2018
Hersbrucker - For German-style beers and Pilsners
Nov 2018
Kent Golding - Undisputed finest ale hop in the world
Nov 2018
Late Cluster - Classic US hop. Excellent dual purpose
Nov 2018
Liberty - A classic US all-rounder with a distict aroma
Nov 2018
Mathon - Golding variety originally from Mathon, Worcestershire
Nov 2018
Mount Hood - The mainstay of American craft beers
Nov 2018
Northdown - Northern Brewer cross, an excellent dual-purpose hop
Nov 2018
Northern Brewer - Fragrant, vigorous hop
Nov 2018
Nugget - Strong herbal aroma and high bittering value
Nov 2018
Perle - Clean bittering qualities and refreshing, spicy aroma
Nov 2018
Phoenix - Early, dual-purpose hop
Nov 2018
Prima Donna (First Gold) - Dwarf, dual-purpose hop, decorative
Nov 2018
Progress - Wilt resistant replacement for Fuggle
Nov 2018
Record - Classic Belgian hop with fragrant aroma
Nov 2018
Redsells Eastwell - Traditional Goldings hop from Kent
Nov 2018
Saaz - Noble hop made famous by Pilsner Urquell
Nov 2018
Santiam - A vigorous aroma hop with Noble characteristics
Nov 2018
Spalter - Spalter x Hallertau, Noble characteristics with high yield
Nov 2018
Styrian Golding - Traditional aroma hop from Slovenia & Austria
Nov 2018
Target - Northern Brewer x Golding - versatile hop with good aroma
Nov 2018
Tettnanger - Landrace of Germany's Tettnang hop-growing region
Nov 2018
Tradition - Mittelfrüh aroma with improved yield and disease resistance
Nov 2018
WGV - A Golding cross with good Wilt resistance
Nov 2018
Willamette - The king of the U.S. aroma hops
Nov 2018
Yeoman - High alpha, disease resistant hop
Nov 2018
Zenith - High alpha, good disease resistance