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Centennial was first created in 1974 and has a high alpha acid content of between 9.5% - 11.5%. Although this hop is often referred to as a Super Cascade it is lighter on the citrus aromas. Centennial works extremely well in Pale Ales and India Pale Ales where some bottom line bitterness in beer is needed with the top end aroma. The floral flavor and aroma of this variety is evident in many beers.

  • Pedigree: Centennial is an a high alpha, aroma-type cultivar, bred in 1974 and released in 1990. The genetic composition is 3/4 Brewers Gold, 3/32 Fuggle, 1/16 East Kent Golding, 1/32 Bavarian and 1/16 unknown.
  • General Trade Perception: Very balanced, sometimes called a super Cascade. Good general purpose hop.
  • Possible Substitutions: Cascade, Chinook, Columbus.
  • Beer Styles:Pale Ale, Red Ale, ESB, Weizenbock, IPA, Amber Ale, American Wheat, Witbier.
  • Maturity: Mid season
  • Yield: Moderate, 1,500 - 1,750 kg./ha.
  • Growth Habit: Moderate.
  • Disease Reaction: Susceptible to Hop Mosaic Virus. Resistent to Prunus Necrotic Ring-Spot Virus,Downy Mildew,Verticillium Wilt.
  • Pickability: Good.
  • Lupulin: Dark yellow.
  • Cone Structure: Medium size, compact.
  • Aroma: Pine notes with exotic spice and infused with citrus grapefruit / lemon.

Alpha Acids(%)
9.5 - 11.5
Beta Acids (%)
3.5 -4.5
Alpha/Beta Ratio
2.6 : 1
Co-Humulone (%)
28 - 30
Storage (% lost)
30 - 35
Oil Content (mls/100g)
1.5 - 2.5
Humulene ( % in oil)
10 - 18
Caryophyllene (%)
5 - 8
Hum/Cary Ratio
Farnesene (%)
< 1.0
Myrcene (% in oil)
45 - 55