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Cluster is one of the oldest hop varieties grown in the United States and until the late 1970's accounted for the majority of the country’s hop acreage. Cluster is an excellent dual purpose hop and is often used in the reproduction of historical beer styles. The bitterness from this variety is not overwhelming and it is well balanced with its floral flavour and aroma.

  • Pedigree: Old US variety of unknown descent.
  • General Trade Perception: An excellent new variety with balanced bittering properties and a good aroma profile.
  • Possible Substitutions: Galena, Northern Brewer.
  • Beer Styles: American Barley Wine, Porter, English Pale Ale, Amber Ale, IPA.
  • Maturity: Late season.
  • Yield: 1600 - 2140 kg/hectare
  • Growth Habit: Vigorous.
  • Disease Reaction: Susceptible to Downy Mildew & Powdery Mildew. Resistant to Prunus Necrotic Ring-Spot Virus.
  • Pickability: Good.
  • Lupulin: Moderate levels, yellow.
  • Cone Structure: Medium size, compact.
  • Aroma: Floral, earthy and sweet fruit.

Alpha Acids(%)
5.5 - 8.5
Beta Acids (%)
4.5 - 5.5
Alpha/Beta Ratio
Co-Humulone (%)
36 - 42
Storage (% lost)
15 - 20
Oil Content (mls/100g)
0.4 - 0.8
Humulene ( % in oil)
15 - 18
Caryophyllene (%)
6 - 7
Hum/Cary Ratio
Farnesene (%)
< 1.0
Myrcene (% in oil)
45 - 55