Pedigree: Early Bird is a Golding variety that is sought after for its typical English aromatic qualities. Originally Amos's Early Bird, this variety was cultivated by Mr Alfred Amos of Wye in Kent and closely resembles the Bramling. (see 'English Hops' by George Clinch (1919) page 13)
General Trade Perception: Recognized as having the most typical English aroma, Goldings are in demand for copper hopping and dry hopping of traditional ales
Possible Substitutions: Kent Golding, Cobb, Bramling Cross
Beer Styles: Traditional ales, IPA, Shepherd Neame Early Bird Spring Hop Ale
Maturity: Early season
Yield: 1,500 - 2,000 kg./ha or 1,350 - 1,800 lb./ac.
Growth Habit: Moderately vigorous
Disease Reaction: Sensitive to wilt, susceptible to downy mildew and powdery mildews
Pickability: Fair to good
Lupulin: Moderate amount, yellow in color
Cone Structure: Medium sized
Aroma: Extremely pleasant and gently hoppy
Alpha Acids |
4.4 - 6.7%
Beta Acids |
1.9 - 2.8%
Alpha/Beta Ratio |
2.4 : 1
Co-Humulone |
26 - 32%
Humulone |
Storage (% lost) |
Oil Content (mls/100g) |
0.8 - 1.0
Humulene ( % in oil) |
Caryophyllene |
Hum/Cary Ratio |
Farnesene |
Myrcene |