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Glacier was released by Washington State University in 2000. It is a balanced dual purpose hop which makes it a useful addition to a wide variety of beers. It adds a light and pleasant bitterness together with a herbal, woody aroma displaying notes of citrus and fruit. Glacier has a complex parentage with contributions from the French Elsasser and English Kent Goldings as well as Northern Brewer and Brewer's Gold.

  • Pedigree: Glacier is a balanced, dual purpose hop with complex pedigree.
  • General Trade Perception: An excellent new variety with balanced bittering properties and a good aroma profile.
  • Possible Substitutions: Willamette, Fuggle, Tettnanger, Styrian Golding.
  • Beer Styles: Pale Ale, ESB, Bitter, English-Style Pale Ale, Porter, Stout
  • Maturity: Mid season
  • Yield: 2750 - 2900 kg./ha. or 2400 - 2600 lb./ac.
  • Growth Habit: Moderate.
  • Disease Reaction: Susceptible to powdery and downy mildew.
  • Pickability: Good.
  • Lupulin: Moderate levels, yellow.
  • Cone Structure: Medium size, compact.
  • Aroma: Herbal, woody aroma displaying notes of citrus and fruit.

Alpha Acids(%)
4.5 - 6.5
Beta Acids (%)
6.5 - 8.5
Alpha/Beta Ratio
Co-Humulone (%)
11 - 13
Storage (% lost)
25 - 30
Oil Content (mls/100g)
0.7 - 1.6
Humulene ( % in oil)
24 - 26
Caryophyllene (%)
6 - 10
Hum/Cary Ratio
Farnesene (%)
< 1.0
Myrcene (% in oil)
33 - 62