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  • Pedigree: A Northern Brewer cross developed at Wye Horticulture Research Institute which shares many of the Northern Brewer flavour and aroma characteristics. Northdown replaced Northern Brewer in many dark or strong British beers when it was released in 1970, including some Dry Stouts.
  • General Trade Perception: An excellent dual-purpose hop with moderate bittering potential and excellent flavour/aroma characteristics. Northdown shares many of the Northern Brewer flavour and aroma characteristics, with a clean and mild bitterness and a distinctive strong, woody, minty flavour. It is sometimes sold under the name of "Northern Brewer (Northdown)", although the two cultivars are distinct.
  • Possible substitutions: Phoenix, Perle, Galena, Northern Brewer, Challenger.
  • Beer Styles: Strong english beers, dark ales, stout.
  • Maturity: Early to mid-season
  • Yield: 1,500 - 1,900 kg./ha or 1,350 - 1,700 lb./ac.
  • Growth Habit: Not over-vigorous, neat and manageable.
  • Disease Reaction: Susceptible to Verticillium wilt and powdery mildew but quite resistant to downy mildew.
  • Cone-Structure: Medium to large, plump, quite loose.
  • Aroma: Fruity with some spicy notes.
  • Lupulin: Palish yellow, moderate amounts.

Alpha Acids (%)
7.5 - 9.5
Beta Acids (%)
4.5 - 6.0
Alpha/Beta Ratio
Co-Humulone (%)
23 - 30
Storage Stability
Oil Content (mls/100g)
1.2 - 2.5
Humulene ( % in oil)
40 - 45
Caryophyllene (%)
13 - 17
Hum/Cary Ratio
2.4 - 3.4
Farnesene (%)
Myrcene (%)
23 - 36