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  • Pedigree: Seedling selection made in Belgium about 50 years ago from a Northern Brewer x Saaz cross. Popular Belgian hop.
  • General Trade Perception: A fragrant hop with a rich rough-hewn flavour and aroma, ideal for steam-style beers and ales. Unique European aroma characteristics.
  • Possible Substitutions: Northern Brewer, German Brewer's Gold.
  • Beer Styles: ESB, Bitter, English Pale Ale, Porter, Lager, Lambic, Munich Helles.
  • Maturity: Early
  • Yield: About 1200 lb./ac.
  • Growth Habit: Medium to good.
  • Disease Reaction: Downy Mildew - moderately resistant.
  • Pickability: Good.
  • Lupulin: Medium yellow, fairly abundant.
  • Cone Structure: Medium-sized cones, fairly compact.
  • Aroma: Similar to Northern Brewer.

Alpha Acids(%)
7.0 - 12.0
Beta Acids (%)
4.0 - 8.0
Alpha/Beta Ratio
Co-Humulone (%)
25 - 30
Storage (% lost)
35 -40
Oil Content (mls/100g)
1.7 - 1.9
Humulene ( % in oil)
26 - 28
Caryophyllene (%)
8 - 10
Hum/Cary Ratio
Farnesene (% of oil)
Myrcene (%)