Willingham Nurseries Library

Growing Seed Sprouts at Home
T. V. Suslow, Department of Vegetable Crops, UC Davis; and L. J. Harris, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis

Late Fall Lawn Care Essentials
Looking after your lawn

Collecting and Storing Seeds from your Garden
by D. Hatch

Watering Trees
College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources, University of Hawaii

Landscape Plants That Attract Birds
by Scott R. Craven & Robert Ellarson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Right Hand Tools Make Gardening Easy
Selection and care of gardening equipment - A Plant America garden guide
Xeriscaping - Creative Landscaping
by J.R. Feucht of the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Service

Xeriscaping - Retrofit Your Yard
by J.R. Feucht and C.R. Wilson of the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Service
Beneficial Insects for the Garden and Landscape
A Plant America guide
Compost--Black Gold for Your Garden
A Plant America guide
How to Create a Dish Garden
A Plant America guide

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