Willingham Nurseries Library

  • Growing Hops in the Backyard
    New Jersey Agricultural Experimental Station
  • Hop Management in Water-Short Periods
    Washington State University advice notice
  • English Hops
    A history of cultivation and preparation for the market from the earliest times by George Clinch
  • Growing Hops Workshop
    The North Fork Valley Sustainable Hop Growing Workshop 2008
  • Hop Crop of the United States 1790 - 1811
    US Department of Agriculture Bureau of Statistics
  • The Hop and its Constituents
    A monograph on the Hop plant by A C Chapman. Published by The Brewing Trade Review
  • The Hop - Its Culture and Cure, Marketing & Manufacture
    A Practical Handbook on the most approved methods in growing, harvesting, curing and selling hops & on the use and manufacture of hops by Herbert Myrick
  • Hops: Their Cultivation, Commerce & Uses in Various Countries
    A Reference Manual for the Grower, Dealer & Brewer
  • Hops in the Garden
    A Utah State University Publication
  • Small Scale & Organic Hops Production manual
    Hops growing manual for small-scale and organic producers by Rebecca Kneen, Left Fields BC. Hard copies also available.
  • Hop Cultivation
    Monograph by Charles Whitehead.
  • Hops - An Economic Assessment
    USDA Economic Research Service

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